Sunday, February 27, 2011

Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone

For awhile now I have been having alot of fun dabbling in a few different mediums. I have been taking classes online and in person.  I spend my free time reading, watching DVD's,  and practicing.  I have big plans...but, I keep pushing those into the future.  I am at the point that I need to have this VERY expensive hobby evolve into something more.
First, I remodeled a room of our house into an art studio.  Then I joined two local art organizations.  I am taking more classes...Three a week right now. 

Until now I have not tried to sell anything, or teach even the basics, or enter any contests or gallery shows. 

Until now...

Thanks to some encouragement from two very good friends and artists I have decided to enter a Juried show at the Frosburg Museum in Maryland.  I may not get chosen, or if I get chosen I may not win any prizes or sell my painting, but it's a start...and a very big step to just maybe...eventually...calling myself an artist.

Here is the pastel I am entering-
Joscelyn wading in the Potomac...

Actually, what I am learning about the process of matting, spacing and framing a pastel painting is worth the entrance fee!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Roses

This is for a monthly challenge on my WCW online group.  It's a beautiful bouquet of Roses in a pretty blue vase taken by Vicki Greene.  I would have liked to have portrayed the vase a bit darker, but I am afraid to mess with it further.  I really think this is my first successful Flower and vase.  C&C welcome :)
Happy Valentine's Day!