Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WIP of Joshua

This is a picture of Joshua I have been wanting to paint for ten years.  He was 5 or 6 in this photo.  I have started laying in some watercolor washes.  I have not completely decided whether to finish this off with pastels or not.  Its going to take quite a few layers of watercolor first though.

First, I spattered in the underlaying colors of the woodchips.  I will add more details later.  this was messy and took hours to do quite a few layers and many colors.

Next I masked off all the cracks between the bricks.  Then I put a wash of Raw Sienna on the bricks.

When that dried I re-wet parts of the bricks and dropped in ultramarine blue.

After drying, I put a wash of perylene maroon over the bricks.


To be continued....


  1. Lisa - love this painting. Great job
    Keep on painting.

  2. Thank you Lita :) I have been working on this again the last couple of weeks with pastels. I am having ALOT of trouble getting the bricks the way I want them. maybe I should have left it as a watercolor...
