Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sylvan Path

This is my rendition of Sylvan Path, another William Alexander painting.  I am not happy with how this came out...I may try it again later...


  1. Hi Lisa, I came here from WcW. Am intrigued by you and 8 beautiful children (you look so young, the 8 must keep you young. any multiples?) and you homeschool also. Wow. You are to be admired for your energy and accomplilshments. (My daughter homeschooled our granddaughter. She's 16 now looking to start college in Sept.)
    This painting is good. Why are you unhappy with it?

  2. Thank you for coming to see my blog! I just think my colors came out a little muddy and I do need more of a curve for the lake. I did it in portrait tho instead of landscape so I will be doing it over :)

  3. Hi Lisa, I am from WCW too. I love your 8 beautiful children. (I am one of 6) They are(in looks) a wonderful combination of you and your DH. Your painting is great! I am so glad that your into art again. You are very talented. Keep up the good work! Norena
