Saturday, February 20, 2010

this and that

I worked on a couple watercolors this week.  The first one was a beach cave.  This was based on a photo shared by Gina in our WCW yahoo group.  Im not crazy about the painting I made..but the point of the project was to mix darks without using any black or gray.  I made my darks using  Aliz Crimson, Ultra Blue and Hookers Green. they are a bit darker in real life I think...This was difficult but I learned about color mixing and thats the point right?!

The next project I tackled was a rose.  This was hard and will be redone many time in the future :)


  1. That first one turned out a lot better than I thought it would... the second is pretty. Nice job mom :).

  2. It doesn't look hard. It looks rather soft.
    Where did you find it?

  3. I used a couple copyright free photos I found. I think I need some darker darks and lighter lights :)
